What is VO2 Max?

What is VO2 max ?

You might be familiar with the term VO2 max. It’s possible that your coach has mentioned it, or notifications on your watch might even appear, indicating your predicted VO2 max. But what is VO2 max exactly? In this article, we will delve into what VO2 max is, how to measure it, and what makes a good VO2 max score.

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Trap Bar Deadlift Vs Squat – A Scientific Guide

Trap bar deadlift vs squat

The main differences between the trap bar deadlift and squat, is (1) the movement patterns, (2) loading demands and (3) equipment lifted.

The trap bar deadlift, requires you to lift a trap or hex bar from the ground in a hip-hinge movement pattern using muscles mainly from your posterior chain whereas the squat, requires you to lift either a dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell typically infront of your chest or on your back in a squat movement pattern using mainly the quads, glutes and abductor muscles. 

Push ups vs pull ups – What’s the difference & which is best?

Push Up vs Pull Up

The two main differences between the push up and pull up are (1) the type of movement pattern and (2) the muscles you work.

The push up is a horizontal pressing movement, which targets the chest, shoulders and tricep muscles. The pull up, is a vertical pulling movement, which targets the lats, upper back and bicep muscles.

Sit-ups vs Crunches – Which one Is best?

Sit-Ups Vs Crunches

The main difference between sit-ups and crunches is how much you actually “sit up.”

In a sit-up, you lift your shoulders and lower back off the floor until you’re in an upright sitting posture, whereas in the crunch, you only lift your shoulders off the floor, whilst making sure your lower and mid-back doesn’t come off the floor.

Planks Vs Sit-Ups – Your Ultimate Guide

Planks Vs Sit-Ups

Planks require you to hold your body in one position (i.e. a position similar to the start of a push-up), which works your entire core equally, whereas the sit-up is a dynamic exercise where you repetitively move between lying down and sitting up, whilst on the floor, which mainly works one part of your core, the rectus abdominal muscles.

Sumo Squat Vs Regular Squat

Sumo Squat Vs Regular Squat

The main difference between the sumo squat and the regular squat is the setup position of the feet.

In the sumo squat, the feet are set wider than shoulder-width and your feet are turned out at 45 degrees when compared to the regular squat, where your feet are set exactly shoulder-width apart and your feet are either pointing forwards or slightly turned out.

Goblet Squat Vs Back Squat – Your Questions Answered

Goblet Squat Vs Back Squat

The two main differences between a goblet squat and back squat are i) the location of the weight relative to your center of mass, and ii) the equipment used for each type of exercise. In a goblet squat you use a kettlebell/dumbell and the mass is located in front of your chest.